API Documentation
API Overview
The Check Issuing API was developed to assist you with integrating your back-office systems
with the Check Issuing system. It allows you to notify us of deposits, submit payments for
processing, and to look up your payments, deposits, and general account information. The
API is utilized by doing standard HTTPS POST requests. It returns XML formatted results.
Live system requests go via https://api.checkissuing.com/
To use our sand box system for integration testing, please use https://apisb.checkissuing.com/ (please contact support for help setting this up if you require it and have not already been granted access)
Before you can begin using the API, you must obtain your user account parameters,
Client ID and API Key.
To obtain these values, take these steps:
- 1. Log into your primary Check Issuing user account within the client panel.
- 2. Go to the your Account page (top right).
- 3. Navigate to the API Access page (top right). Here you will find both your Client ID and API Key. The API Key must be kept secure and confidential. If the account password is changed, the API key will also be changed and will need to be updated within your application to ensure continued access.
Failure to authenticate will produce the following response from the system:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="0"> <error>Access Denied, Invalid API Key Provided</error> </wmc-response>
Response Format
The API system will respond using standard XML format. This will vary depending on the outcome of the action taken.
Our standard response format will be contained within a wmc-response parent item, with a status attribute to indicate whether
your request was successful, with status 1 being success, and status 0 indicating there was an
error during your request under most circumstances. This parent item may also contain a fileid attribute applicable to Payment File's uploaded.
As an example success response, please see below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> ... </wmc-response>
In most scenarios dates will be formatted using UNIX stamp format.
Payments can have the following statuses (status ID - status name):
- 1 - Pending Release
- 2 - Released
- 3 - Processing
- 4 - Sent Out
- 5 - Posted / Cashed
- 6 - Returned
- 7 - Cancelled
- 8 - Reissued
Postgage Codes can have the following values (code - postage type):
- 1 - USPS First Class
- 2 - USPS Priority
- 3 - USPS Priority + Delivery Confirmation
- 5 - Two Day Courier Service with FedEx or DHL
- 6 - One Day Courier Service with FedEx or DHL
- 8 - USPS Overnight
Error Handling
When the API system responds with a status code of 0, usually you will be given a set of error messages to accompany this.
Error messages will be contained within error elements, as children to the wmc-response parent item. There can be one, or multiple.
As an example error response, please see below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="0"> <error>Please provide an amount</error> <error>Please provide a payee</error> </wmc-response>
API Status Notifications
The API system will perform a HTTP GET request against a URL of your choosing if configured to do so.
To set this up and view full instructions, you can go to your Account page, then API Access as detailed in Authenticating. This option is located toward the bottom. Full history of notifications are also available via a top right menu link, API Status Notification History, with their respective real time status.
Classes & Methods
Below you will find a list of our Classes & Methods, with their descriptions, API paths, parameter requirements and sample returns.
Please Note: The red asterisk indicates a required parameter. For example, all API calls
require client_id and akey for authentication.
See Getting Started > Authenticating for further information on how to obtain these parameters.
Bank Accounts: Activate
Description: This method activates a bank account
Class: bank accounts
Method: activate
API Path: /bank-accounts/activate
- client_id*
- akey*
- bank_account_id* - bank account ID
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13990'> <bankaccount_id>13990</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446038027</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 19 9186</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 19</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 19</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>12345671425307</account_number> <routing_number>43214426</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 19</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Add
Description: This method adds a new bank account, the bank account will need to be confirmed after being added
By adding a bank account through this method, you are agreeing to the following terms: I approve this information, the signature is correct, and take responsibility for any inaccurate information provided. I also acknowledge that fees may apply if the sub-account requires special printing.
Class: bank accounts
Method: add
API Path: /bank-accounts/add
- client_id*
- akey*
- name_on_checks - The name to be printed on checks (populating this field will enable Checks for this bank account)
- address_on_checks - The address to be printed on checks, please replace line breaks with the | character
- address* - The bank account holders first line of address
- address2 - The bank account holders second line of address if applicable
- city* - The bank account holder's city
- state* - The bank account holder's state
- zip* - The bank account holder's zip code
- account_number* - This is your bank account account number
- routing_number* - This is your bank account routing number
- bank_name* - This is your bank's name
- bank_address - This is your bank's address, please replace line breaks with the | character
- bank_fractional_code - This is your bank's fractional code (only required for Checks)
- currency - This is defaulted to USD, but may also be set to CAD for Canadian bank accounts (only required for Checks)
- sig2_threshold - This is used to set a threshold, where if a payment reaches this threshold, a second signature is used only then, otherwise if set a second signature is used all of the time
- only_use_sig2_threshold - This is set to 1 or 0, indicating enabled or disabled, and enforces the threshold above
- account_alias* - This is the account alias, used to display the account within the system
- email_address - Set this if you wish for individual email alerts and verification links to go directly to a user
- alert_email_address - This is set to 1 or 0, indicating enabled or disabled, and toggles whether or not individual emails with verification links are sent to users directly
- return_address - This is used to set a custom return address, please replace line breaks with the | character
- starting_check_number - This can be used to set a starting check number
- sig_file - This is a file uploaded along with the request, and set as the account signature to be printed on checks. Please note that it is important only the signature is present in this image, and a white background is used (only required for Checks)
- sig_file2 - This can be set if you require a second signature, and will be used all of the time if you do not set the threshold toggles above
- name_on_account - Name on bank account. This field will be automatically set to name on checks if not provided.
- ach_company_id - ACH Company/Tax ID (populating this field will enable ACH for this bank account)
- ach_originating_dfi - Originating DFI number (required only if enabling ACH)
- ach_receiving_dfi - Receiving DFI Number (required only if enabling ACH)
- purchase_order - This will be included on invoices if it is populated
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13991'> <bankaccount_id>13991</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043376</submit_ts> <alias>My API Test Account21</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Test Name</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Test Addr|Line 2|Line 3|Line 4</address_on_checks> <account_address>Test Addr</account_address> <account_address2>Line 2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>12345678912314</account_number> <routing_number>987654321100</routing_number> <bank_name>My Bank</bank_name> <bank_address>My Banks|Addr|Lines</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123/456-78</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>1</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Assign Signature
Description: This method allows you to assign a signature to a bank account, typically used after file uploads
Class: bank accounts
Method: assign-signature
API Path: /bank-accounts/assign-signature
- client_id*
- akey*
- bank_account_id* - bank account ID
- sig_file - This is a file uploaded along with the request, and set as the account signature to be printed on checks. Please note that it is important only the signature is present in this image, and a white background is used
- sig_file2 - This can be set if you require a second signature, and will be used all of the time if you do not set the threshold toggles
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13992'> <bankaccount_id>13992</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043630</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 0 9926</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 0</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 0</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142937</account_number> <routing_number>43213867</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 0</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>1</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: By ID
Description: This method allows you to retrieve details for a specific bank account
Class: bank accounts
Method: byid
API Path: /bank-accounts/byid
- client_id*
- akey*
- bank_account_id* - bank account ID
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13992'> <bankaccount_id>13992</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043630</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 0 9926</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 0</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 0</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142937</account_number> <routing_number>43213867</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 0</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>1</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Confirm
Description: This method is used to confirm a bank account, either an individually added bank account, or an entire uploaded bank account file (multiple)
Class: bank accounts
Method: confirm
API Path: /bank-accounts/confirm
- client_id*
- akey*
- item* - One or multiple unique item identifiers (for multiples, use standard form posting rules for data arrays and pass each item_id as item_id[]. Item_id must include bank account confirmation type. To confirm a single bank account with an id of 25, set item_id to 'single-25.' To confirm a bank account file with an ID of 25, set item_id to 'file-25.'
Note: The XML response varies by bank account confirmation type and by how the bank account information is confirmed. The response status is 1 if the transaction was successful.
This example confirms three bank accounts. Each item value was obtained from the bankaccount_id node returned by the respective bank-accounts/add method call:
- item[0]=10
- item[1]=11
- item[2]=12
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13992'> <bankaccount_id>13992</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043630</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 0 9926</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 0</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 0</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142937</account_number> <routing_number>43213867</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 0</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>1</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Deactivate
Description: This method deactivates a bank account
Class: bank accounts
Method: deactivate
API Path: /bank-accounts/deactivate
- client_id*
- akey*
- bank_account_id* - bank account ID
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccount id='13990'> <bankaccount_id>13990</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446038027</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 19 9186</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 19</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 19</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>12345671425307</account_number> <routing_number>43214426</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 19</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>0</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Get List
Description: This method retrieves a list of your bank accounts in the system, you can specify action required to only return bank accounts needing action such as needing a signature, returned, etc
Class: bank accounts
Method: get-list
API Path: /bank-accounts/get-list
- client_id*
- akey*
- action_required - Set this to 1 or 0, indicating true or false
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <bankaccounts> <bankaccount id='14009'> <bankaccount_id>14009</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 17 9595</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 17</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 17</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142850</account_number> <routing_number>43213310</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 17</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> <bankaccount id='14010'> <bankaccount_id>14010</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 18 4024</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 18</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 18</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>12345671425210</account_number> <routing_number>43214492</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 18</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> <bankaccount id='14011'> <bankaccount_id>14011</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 19 1808</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 19</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 19</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142883</account_number> <routing_number>43215420</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 19</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>1</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Upload
Description: Used to upload bank accounts files, see Bank Accounts -> Upload for formatting details
Class: bank accounts
Method: upload
API Path: /bank-accounts/upload
- client_id*
- akey*
- userfile - File uploaded via HTTP post, similar to using a file input field on a form
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1" fileid="58"> <bankaccounts> <bankaccount id='14009'> <bankaccount_id>14009</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 17 9595</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 17</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 17</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142850</account_number> <routing_number>43213310</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 17</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>0</confirmed> </bankaccount> <bankaccount id='14010'> <bankaccount_id>14010</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 18 4024</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 18</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 18</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>12345671425210</account_number> <routing_number>43214492</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 18</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>0</confirmed> </bankaccount> <bankaccount id='14011'> <bankaccount_id>14011</bankaccount_id> <submit_ts>1446043631</submit_ts> <alias>My API File Test Account A 19 1808</alias> <alert_email_address>0</alert_email_address> <email_address></email_address> <name_on_checks>Name 19</name_on_checks> <address_on_checks>Addr 19</address_on_checks> <account_address>Addr1</account_address> <account_address2>Addr2</account_address2> <account_city>City</account_city> <account_state>State</account_state> <account_zip>12345</account_zip> <account_number>1234567142883</account_number> <routing_number>43215420</routing_number> <bank_name>Bank 19</bank_name> <bank_address>Bank Addr One</bank_address> <bank_fractional_code>123-45/67</bank_fractional_code> <custom_return_address></custom_return_address> <micro_deposits_sent>0</micro_deposits_sent> <returned>0</returned> <return_reason></return_reason> <verified>0</verified> <active>1</active> <signature_assigned>0</signature_assigned> <signature2_assigned>0</signature2_assigned> <confirmed>0</confirmed> </bankaccount> </wmc-response>
Bank Accounts: Verify Micro Deposits
Description: This method is used to verify micro deposits to get an account setup completed
Class: bank accounts
Method: verify-micro-deposits
API Path: /bank-accounts/verify-micro-deposits
- client_id*
- akey*
- bank_account_id* - Bank account ID
- amount_one* - Micro Deposit amount one (0.00 formatting)
- amount_two* - Micro Deposit amount two (0.00 formatting)
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <verifyresult> <bankaccount_id>13990</bankaccount_id> <locked>0</locked> <attempts>0</attempts> <verified>1</verified> </verifyresult> </wmc-response>
Payments: Add
Description: This method adds a payment to the system. The parameters and the XML nodes returned depend upon whether the payment is Check or ACH - method_id 2 and 1 respectively
Class: payments
Method: add
API Path: /payments/add
For Check (method_id = 2)
- client_id*
- akey*
- method_id* - numeric id representing a method of payment
- payee* - name of payee
- amount* - amount of payment (xxx.xx). This is entered with no currency symbols; just numbers and decimals
- address* - payee street address
- address2
- city* - payee city
- country* - payee country
- first_name - payment recipient's first name
- last_name - payment recipient's last name
- logo_file - name of client's logo file stored on the system
- memo - information placed on the stub of the check or the memo line of the check depending upon client setup
- memo2 - additional information placed on the stub of the check or the memo line of the check depending upon client setup
- notes - internal notes to pass to the system along with the payment
- pay - true/false indicator as to whether to actually pay the payment (defaults to true)
- payee_email - payee email (optional)
- payment_type - indicates the type of payment, e.g. Bill Payment, Commission, etc
postage_code (one of the following numeric values)
- 1 - USPS First Class
- 2 - USPS Priority
- 5 - Two Day Courier Service with FedEx or DHL
- 6 - One Day Courier Service with FedEx or DHL
- 8 - USPS Priority Express
- reference* - reference
- state* - payee state
- taxid - SSN or tax identification number
- trans_id* - transaction id assigned by client to identify individual payment that will display in reports, etc
- zip* - payee zip / postal code
- check_num - this can be used to provide your own check number. By default we will generate these so leave blank or do not provide this if you wish for us to do so
- issue_date – format (mm/dd/yyyy) this can be used to provide the date that will be printed on the check. If you choose a date in the future it will hold the payment from printing until that date. If not populated by default, we will use the date the check is mailed
- bank_account_id - please provide either the unique bank account ID from the system, or the bank account alias you set to send the check from a different bank account you have added. If no value is provided, your Default bank account will be used
- mail_to_payee - if you populate this field it will replace the payee name in the address for mailing
- expedite_request - if it is past our 9 AM cut off time but before 11 AM, set this field to a value of 1 to indicate you wish to place a request in to send this payment past dead line, please note this is not a guaranteed service
To add a check with an insert PDF file, please include the following parameters:
- insert_include* - set this field to a value of 1 to indicate you wish to include an insert PDF file
- insert_file* - using HTTP file upload, please include your PDF file with this name
insert_print* - please provide how you want this insert to be printed within this field, using one of the following values
- black_white - Print using Black & White
- black_white_duplex - Print using Black & White Duplex
- color - Print using Color
- color_duplex - Print using Color Duplex
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payment id='1310350' status='0'> <payment_id>1310350</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>Crosstown Company</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <method_id>2</method_id> <submit_ts>1378508396</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1378508396</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>0</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Test Payee</payee> <amount>69.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <id>1310350</id> <address>1234 some st</address> <address2></address2> <insert_file></insert_file> <check_num>0</check_num> <city>lake worth</city> <trans_id>12345</trans_id> <country>usa</country> <first_name></first_name> <insert_color>0</insert_color> <last_name></last_name> <logo_file></logo_file> <memo>Test Ref</memo> <memo2></memo2> <notes></notes> <payee_email></payee_email> <payment_type></payment_type> <postage_code>1</postage_code> <reference>Test Ref</reference> <ref>Test Ref</ref> <taxid></taxid> <state>fl</state> <tracking></tracking> <zip>33462</zip> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </wmc-response>
Payments: By ID
Description: This method is used to locate a payment by a specific ID
Class: payments
Method: byid
API Path: /payments/byid
- client_id*
- akey*
- payment_id* - unique payment identifier
Note: The XML response varies by payment type.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </wmc-response>
Payments: By Date
Description: This method is used to locate a payment by a singular date, or a date range (from, to)
Class: payments
Method: byDate
API Path: /payments/byDate
- client_id*
- akey*
- from_date - the from date, if this date is not present it will be automatically defaulted to today's date minus 7 days
- to_date - the to date, if this date is not present it will be automatically defaulted to today's date
Note: The XML response varies by payment type. Dates should be formatted mm/dd/yyyy. There is a maximum of 500 results possible.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payments> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </payments> </wmc-response>
Payments: Info
Description: This method is used to locate a payment by a singular date, or a date range (from, to)
Class: payments
Method: info
API Path: /payments/info
- client_id*
- akey*
- payment_id* - either one or multiple unique identifiers (for multiples, use standard form posting rules for data arrays and pass each deposit_id as payment_id[])
Note: The XML response varies by payment type.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payments> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </payments> </wmc-response>
Payments: Search
Description: This method is used to locate a payment using a specific filter you provide
Class: payments
Method: search
API Path: /payments/search
- client_id*
- akey*
- field - the field name to search by (defaulted to payee if not supplied)
- q - the search criteria
Fields you are allowed to use:
- id
- payee
- amount
- check_num
- client_transaction_id
- notes
- date_submitted
- address
- zip
- reference
- date sent
- date updated
Note: The XML response varies by payment type. Dates should be formatted mm/dd/yyyy. There is a maximum of 500 results possible.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payments> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </payments> </wmc-response>
Payments: Upload
Description: Used to upload payment files
Class: payments
Method: upload
API Path: /payments/upload
- client_id*
- akey*
- method_id* - payment method identifier (2 = Check, 1 = ACH)
- userfile* - file uploaded via http post; similar to using a file input field on a form
- expedite_request - if it is past our 9 AM cut off time but before 11 AM, set this field to a value of 1 to indicate you wish to place a request in to send this payment past dead line, please note this is not a guaranteed service
Note: The XML response varies by payment type. In this sample, we are using a file with 2 checks. You can process the response and use the Confirm method by extracting the fileid attribute from the payment tag.
Check Inserts
When uploading check inserts through our file based system, you must tell our system if you are uploading a single blanket insert PDF file to be sent with all checks within the file, or if you are using a file field that has been mapped by a member of our support team to match the PDF filename you upload, please see parameters to include below in these cases:
- insert_include* - this field should only be set when you wish to include insert PDF files, and can be set to single, to send a single PDF with all checks contained, or "multiple" to use file based mapping to match PDF filename to those you upload
- insert_file_single - if you wish to upload a single insert PDF file to be sent with your checks, please use this field to upload your PDF via HTTP upload
- insert_file_multiple - if you wish to upload multiple insert PDF file to be matched against a file column containing PDF filename, please use this field to upload your PDFs via HTTP upload
insert_print* - please provide how you want this insert to be printed within this field, using one of the following values
- black_white - Print using Black & White
- black_white_duplex - Print using Black & White Duplex
- color - Print using Color
- color_duplex - Print using Color Duplex
Payment files must not contain more than 3,000 payments. Any more than this will be rejected with an error message. Please splice your files into multiple and upload one at a time to upload in excess of 3,000 payments at one time.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1" fileid="13840"> <payments> <payment id='1899463' status='0'> <payment_id>1899463</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <status>Pending Release</status> <method_id>2</method_id> <submit_ts>1420204037</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1420204037</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>0</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Payee One</payee> <amount>1.50</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1899463</id> <postage_code>1</postage_code> <reference>Ref1</reference> <ref>Ref1</ref> <address>Addr</address> <city>City</city> <state>AL</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>US</country> <taxid></taxid> <memo>A memo to go with it</memo> <trans_id></trans_id> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> <payment id='1899464' status='0'> <payment_id>1899464</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <status>Pending Release</status> <method_id>2</method_id> <submit_ts>1420204037</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1420204037</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>0</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Payee Two</payee> <amount>2.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1899464</id> <postage_code>1</postage_code> <reference>Ref2</reference> <ref>Ref2</ref> <address>Addr2</address> <city>City2</city> <state>AL</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>US</country> <taxid></taxid> <memo>A memo to go with it</memo> <trans_id></trans_id> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </payments> </wmc-response>
Payments: Confirm
Description: This method confirms one or more payments
Class: payments
Method: confirm
API Path: /payments/confirm
- client_id*
- akey*
- item* - one or multiple unique item identifiers (for multiples, use standard form posting rules for data arrays and pass each item_id as item_id[]. Item_id must include payment type. To confirm a single payment with an id of 25, set item_id to 'single-25.' To confirm a payment file with an ID of 25, set item_id to 'file-25.'
Note: The XML response varies by payment type and by how the payment information is confirmed. The response status is 1 if the transaction was successful. There will be "need_funds" elements in the root XML if funds need to be added to the account for the payment(s) to process.
This example confirms three payments. Each item value was obtained from the payment_id node returned by the respective payments/add method call:
- item[0]=1309164
- item[1]=1309160
- item[2]=1309163
If you wish to bundle multiple checks into one package, please add the following parameters to your confirm call (please note this is only applicable to checks, and also does not need to be transmitted thru these parameters if you are using file based bundling fields)
- bundle_opt_in* - please set this field to a value of 1 to indicate you wish to bundle these checks
- bundle_mail_to* - recipient field used in postage
- bundle_address* - address line 1 field used in postage
- bundle_address_2* - address line 2 field used in postage
- bundle_city* - city field used in postage
- bundle_state* - state field used in postage
- bundle_zip* - zip field used in postage
- bundle_country* - country field used in postage
bundle_check_contents* - please provide one of the following options
- envelope - this indicates you wish to have every check in this bundle enveloped
- loose - this indicates you wish to have every check in this bundle loose
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payments> <payment id='1309164' status='0'> <payment_id>1309164</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>Crosstown Company</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <method_id>5</method_id> <submit_ts>1378436261</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1378436261</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Linda Cullen</payee> <amount>555.55</amount> <pay>1</pay> <id>1309164</id> <acct_num>123456789</acct_num> <acct_route>036001808</acct_route> <additional_info></additional_info> <address>1 Main Street</address> <address2></address2> <bank_country>US</bank_country> <bank_name>TD Bank</bank_name> <bank_route></bank_route> <acct_name>Felix Cullen</acct_name> <branch_info></branch_info> <city>Yardley</city> <trans_id>55555</trans_id> <corr_bank_acct></corr_bank_acct> <corr_bank_city></corr_bank_city> <corr_bank_country></corr_bank_country> <corr_bank_name></corr_bank_name> <corr_bank_swift></corr_bank_swift> <country>usa</country> <first_name></first_name> <iban></iban> <last_name></last_name> <notes></notes> <payee_email></payee_email> <payment_type></payment_type> <reference>Testing</reference> <ref>Testing</ref> <sort_code></sort_code> <taxid></taxid> <state>PA</state> <swift_code></swift_code> <zip>19067</zip> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> <payment id='1309160' status='0'> <payment_id>1309160</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>Quantum Techniques</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1378433857</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1378433857</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Linda Cullen</payee> <amount>300.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <id>1309160</id> <acct_class>Personal</acct_class> <acct_num>123456789</acct_num> <acct_route>036001808</acct_route> <acct_type>Checking</acct_type> <address>1 Main Street</address> <address2></address2> <bank_name>TD Bank</bank_name> <city>Yardley</city> <trans_id>54321</trans_id> <country>usa</country> <first_name></first_name> <last_name></last_name> <acct_name></acct_name> <notes></notes> <payee_email></payee_email> <payment_type></payment_type> <reference>Testing</reference> <ref>Testing</ref> <taxid></taxid> <state>PA</state> <zip>19067</zip> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> <payment id='1309163' status='0'> <payment_id>1309163</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>Crosstown Company</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>0</status_id> <method_id>3</method_id> <submit_ts>1378435790</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1378435790</date_submitted> <date_updated></date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>Linda Cullen</payee> <amount>550.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <id>1309163</id> <trans_id>23498</trans_id> <first_name></first_name> <last_name></last_name> <notes></notes> <payee_email></payee_email> <payment_type></payment_type> <taxid></taxid> <fee>0.00</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </payments> </wmc-response>
Payments: Cancel
Description: This method is used to request that a specific payment be cancelled by our administration team
Class: payments
Method: cancel
API Path: /payments/cancel
- client_id*
- akey*
- id* - the unique identifier for the payment you wish to request cancellation of
- reason* - please provide us a reason why you wish to cancel this payment
Note: The XML response varies by payment type.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </wmc-response>
Payments: Cancel Check
Description: This method is used to cancel one of your checks
Class: payments
Method: cancelcheck
API Path: /payments/cancelcheck
- client_id*
- akey*
- id* - the unique identifier for the check you wish to cancel
Note: The XML response varies by payment type.
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payment id='1791977' status='6'> <payment_id>1791977</payment_id> <client_id>1</client_id> <client>crosstowncompany.com</client> <company_name>Crosstown Company</company_name> <status_id>6</status_id> <status>Cancelled</status> <method_id>1</method_id> <submit_ts>1413894934</submit_ts> <date_submitted>1413894934</date_submitted> <date_updated>1413894968</date_updated> <date_exported></date_exported> <date_sent></date_sent> <confirmed>1</confirmed> <deleted>0</deleted> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <pay>1</pay> <checked_for_duplicates>0</checked_for_duplicates> <id>1791977</id> <trans_id>test</trans_id> <mail_to_payee>test</mail_to_payee> <address>test</address> <address2>test</address2> <city>test</city> <state>test</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>test</country> <reference>test</reference> <ref>test</ref> <memo>test</memo> <payee>test</payee> <amount>5.00</amount> <bank_name>tbn</bank_name> <acct_num>123</acct_num> <acct_route>321</acct_route> <fee>2.50</fee> <postage_fee>0.00</postage_fee> <extra_fee>0.00</extra_fee> </payment> </wmc-response>
Payments: Track Payment
Description: This method is used to track a payment
Class: payments
Method: track_payment
API Path: /payments/track_payment
- client_id*
- akey*
- tracking - tracking number (this is required either by itself or you must provide all of the following parameters: payee, addr, zip)
- payee - the payee of the payment you wish to track
- addr - the address line of the payment you wish to track
- zip - the zip code of the payment you wish to track
The return data will be a JSON encoded representation of the payment.
Payments: Upload Check CSV
Description: This method is used to upload a CSV file containing Posted / Cashed checks
Class: payments
Method: upload_checks_csv
API Path: /payments/upload_checks_csv
File Format: Default format is CSV, comma delimited, no headers. Bank account ID can be left blank if not required. See columns:
amount,check number,date,bank account id
- client_id*
- akey*
- userfile* - file uploaded via http post; similar to using a file input field on a form
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1"> <payment id='1791977' status='5'> <status_id>5</status_id> <status>Posted / Cashed</status> <amount>$100.00</amount> </payment> </wmc-response>
Payments: Upload Logo
Description: This method is used to upload a logo file, which can be assigned to an outgoing check. When you upload a logo you will see a response with a logo_file field, this value is what you need to assign to checks, to do this through batch files, please contact support for file mapping if required
Class: payments
Method: upload_logo
API Path: /payments/upload_logo
- client_id*
- akey*
- logofile* - file uploaded via http post; similar to using a file input field on a form
- name* - display name for your logo in the client panel, not used in the assignment to payments
- is_default - this indicates whether or not this logo should be automatically assigned to any check where no logo is supplied, by default we leave this as 0 (where 1 indicates 'true' and 0 indicates 'false')
Sample Return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wmc-response status="1" logo_file="logo-example.3.jpg_cnv.bmp"> <logo id='47'> <logo_name>Logo Test Name</logo_name> <logo_file>logo-example.3.jpg_cnv.bmp</logo_file> <is_default>0</is_default> </logo> </wmc-response>
Documents: Add
Description: This method adds a document to the system. The parameters and the XML nodes returned depend upon document type
Class: documents
Method: add
API Path: /documents/add
For Single Documents
- client_id*
- akey*
- document_file* - file uploaded via HTTP post, similar to using a file input field on a form
- document_type* - set this to a value of "single"
print_type* - this is the ink/print type, please send one of the following options:
- black_white - Print using Black & White
- black_white_duplex - Print using Black & White Duplex
- color - Print using Color
- color_duplex - Print using Color Duplex
document_address_type* - please send one of the following options:
- address_provided_separately - This indicates you want us to include a cover page and you are then required to supply the address in the fields below
- address_included_in_file - This indicates your document itself already has the address within it
- mail_to - who the document is addressed to
- address - address to send to
- address2 - second address to send to if required
- city - city to send to
- state - state to send to
- zip - zip/postal code to send to
- country - country to send to
- trans_id - an optional custom client transaction ID stored for record keeping
document_return_address_option* - please send one of the following options:
- checkissuing - This indicates you wish to use our address in the event of a return
- custom - This indicates you will provide your own return address in the field below with new lines indicated by the | character
- document_return_address* - custom return address to be used with new lines indicated by the | character (eg. company name|address|city, state, zip|country)
For File Bundles
- client_id*
- akey*
- document_file* - file uploaded via HTTP post, similar to using a file input field on a form
- document_type* - set this to a value of "bundle"
print_type* - this is the ink/print type, please send one of the following options:
- black_white - Print using Black & White
- black_white_duplex - Print using Black & White Duplex
- color - Print using Color
- color_duplex - Print using Color Duplex
- bundle_mail_to* - who the document is addressed to
- bundle_address* - address to send to
- bundle_address2 - second address to send to if required
- bundle_city* - city to send to
- bundle_state* - state to send to
- bundle_zip* - zip/postal code to send to
- bundle_country* - country to send to
- bundle_count* - number of copies to print and send
- trans_id - an optional custom client transaction ID stored for record keeping
For Mailing Lists
- client_id*
- akey*
- document_file* - file uploaded via HTTP post, similar to using a file input field on a form
mailing_list_file* - file uploaded via HTTP post, similar to using a file input field on a form, in CSV format, with the following columns/headers:
mail to recipient,address,address 2,city,state,zip,country,client transaction id - document_type* - set this to a value of "mailing_list"
print_type* - this is the ink/print type, please send one of the following options:
- black_white - Print using Black & White
- black_white_duplex - Print using Black & White Duplex
- color - Print using Color
- color_duplex - Print using Color Duplex
- trans_id - an optional custom client transaction ID stored for record keeping
Documents: Confirm
Description: This method confirms one or more documents
Class: documents
Method: confirm
API Path: /documents/confirm
- client_id*
- akey*
- item* - this must be set to single-DOCUMENT_ID_HERE where DOCUMENT_ID_HERE is the document ID returned upon add, or file-FILE_ID_HERE where FILE_ID_HERE is the file ID returned upon file upload, or bundle-BUNDLE_ID_HERE where BUNDLE_ID_HERE is the bundle ID returned upon add
Code Examples
We have some introductory code examples available in the PHP programming language currently. These include:
- Interaction with the API using both Sand Box and Live environments
- Basic payment add example
- Payment file upload example
- Posted/cashed CSV file upload example
- Logo file upload example
- Comprehensive bank account example
- Document add sample
These examples include predefined data and sample files which you will require to be mapped to your account to work successfully. These
examples instead focus on demonstrating interaction with the API, using these should give you a jump start on integration.
If you have any questions at all, please contact support.
Please Click Here to download the zip file containing the following:
- api-example.php
- api-bank-accounts-example.php
- api-check-file-example.php
- api-file-example.php
- api-insert-example.php
- insert-example.pdf
- bank-account-test-file.csv
- check-test-file.csv
- test-file.csv
- api-logo-example.php
- logo-example.jpg
- signature_sample.bmp
- api-document-add-example.php
- document-example.pdf
- document-mailing-list-example.csv